Monday, September 05, 2005

First Post

Well....this is the 2nd time I am doing this 1st post thingy....1st post got....erased....thanks to the stupidencious internet connection in school. So, here I am.

On to seriously mundane stuff to talk about.

First, an introduction.

Be posting on stuff like:
1) Rants & vents
2) Thought life
3) News about latest happenings my life(so overtly cliche when people doing blogs only do this)
4) Recent revelations
5) Maybe political statements....

They might even turn into articles for all I know...

Anyway. 2nd thing on the checklist: What I gonna write other than above.

So what was I thinking about today? Simple. Something went through my mind saying "If you gonna think that every pretty girl is cute you are dead." In a way it's true you know. Recently, I found that my discipline eroded, alot. Can't stop ogling at every cute girl that's around me, thoroughly distracting. At first started off by 'just looking', to becoming all out battle in the mind to contain the lust that's building up and trying to bust me uppside down, and it's no fun trying to contain that temptation.

But thank God, another facet of revelation revealed to me. Now, that there's another weakness of mine that can potentially lure me into sin again, I have knowledge and strength on how to deal with it.

Now now. I ain't some kind of self-sex-stifling freak monk. But there's a grey boundary in between purity and defilement, holiness and worldliness. And I am gonna to stick to being in the good books with my God, afterall He knows my motives, thoughts and action. Past, present, future.

And oh before I forget, don't ever tell me that 'just' looking at girls is wrong. For just the sake of looking, maybe. But most of the time I don't trust myself when that happens. And most of the time it just devolve....into something immoral. I ain't perfect, but I can achieve purity in the mind through Christ who strengthens and cleanse me.

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Amen

So there. It just became an article, in my opinion.

P.S If you think that's very blunt, yes I am going to be tactfully blunt. Of course I don't reveal every part of my life to anyone, but it's good to be honest with this kind of thing to help Christians out there willing to battle lust and determined to stay pure. Oh, this kind of thing, happens to 95% of the guys out there, what's there to be so uptight about? It's only when things degrade to trash talk, now that's something different altogether.


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